Healing Breathing For Relaxation & Energy
Sorry that our website were down for some time recently, thanks for our friend Yumi from Joy Sydney, the technique issue was finally fixed…now I can start my blog again…
As a tantric practicer and a therapist, many people ask me, how do you meditate and I say, I practice breathing…BREATHING? Really? What is there to practice? We all do it naturally and it’s not like something that needs to be done consciously. It gets taken care of without us thinking. Well, that might be true to an extent, but there are a few things you won’t know about how you breathe until you begin to pay attention…
Place your hand on your lower abdomen and breathe the way you do normally. Does your hand rise up when you breathe? If it doesn’t much, then your breath is shallow and you have a tendency to breathe in your upper chest rather than your lower belly.

breath …
This can cause a number of problems. Shallow breathers tend to be more prone to…
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Stress
- Sexual Dysfunctions
- Disease
According to yogic traditions, the breath is your prana or life force energy. If this prana doesn’t flow freely through the entire body, oxygenating the organs, cells and muscles, this may lead to dis-ease in the body and mind.
Here’s a simple technique that I learned through my White Tiger Tantra trainer. I practice daily, for 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes at night.
There are two techniques. One is for Relaxation and the other is for Energizing the body and mind.
1. Place your hand on your lower abdomen.
2. Inhale slowly and deeply to the count of 3, or until your hand begins to rise.
3. Exhale slowly as through you have a small straw in your mouth to the rhythmic count of 6.

Healing Breathing For Relaxation & Energy
1. Place your hand on your lower abdomen.
2. Inhale slowly and deeply to the count of 6, or until your hand begins to rise.
3. Exhale slowly to the rhythmic count of 3.
These powerful breathing techniques, although they are simple, will radically transform how you feel and experience the world around you. You will find that your breathing naturally attunes to this rhythm the more you practice, balancing your mental and physical health as well as creating harmony in your relationship with yourself and others.